Elder Hancock

Elder Hancock
September 16, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Email received 08/06/12

Mom and Family,

It is so awesome to hear that Spencer Jones is going to Argentina.  That's the same place Brother and Sister Harris and Brother LaBaron went.  That is so awesome!!!! 

Well this week was kind of a tough one.  We have an investigator that we met last week.  We were walking up this hill and we heard, "ELDERS!"  We never hear that.  We hear, "HERMANOS!" all the time.  But the guy was super drunk.  He told us that he needed our help.  We didn't listen because he was so drunk.  So we decided not to go back to follow up.  Then a few days later we were walking back from the Bodega, because Elder Johnson needed medicine, and we saw this same guy again.  We knew we had to teach him.  We started teaching him this past week.  We have such powerful lessons.  He is having a lot of problems with his wife and his kid.  We told him that its because of his drinking problem.  I have never met someone that has wanted to make a change in their life as bad as he does.  So, Saturday night we taught he and his wife together and they told us they wanted to get baptized really bad.  They told us that they were going to church the next day.  Before we left we told him he had to stop drinking.  So yesterday we went to pick them up for church and he was drunk.  My heart sank.  I was so sad.  He told us he couldn't come to church because he had been drinking again and his wife ran off yesterday and he didn't know where she went.  After that we felt so bad.  We had been fasting and praying so hard that they would come.  We were wondering what we were doing wrong.  We have been doing everything we possibly can to bring people to Christ.  And we just felt so sad and confused.  But the last 15 minuetos de clase we were called out in the hall by someone and right there were standing Jesus and Ivon.  We were so happy.  We knew that it was nothing short of a miracle.  It was such a testimony builder to me.  I need to be patient with the Lord.  It was so amazing. 

Yesterday in Sacrament one of the people I baptized, Mitzy, bore her testimony about EFY and how the gospel changed her life and her family.  She told us how her dad is interested and how happy her family is now.  How she knows that ever since the Missionaries entered their home they brought happiness with them.  That whenever she looked in our eyes they saw the love of Christ.  It made me so happy.  I know that I have brought someone to Christ that is building an unshakeable testimony on Him.  That is exactly why I am here.  It made me so happy to see that.  I know that she felt that way when we taught them because we have the Spirit with us.  My main goal when I came on my mission was that I need to have the Spirit.  I need to have people see the light of Christ in me.  Because that is how we draw people to us, by the true and eternal love of Heavenly Father.  Because I know that without the Spirit we cannot teach.  That simple.  We cannot teach.  She also bore her testimony about the Book of Mormon.  How she knows it is the word of God.  So awesome. 

The Spirit combined with the Book of Mormon is the Most powerful tool in conversion.  I know that.  I have seen that with my own two eyes.  That is my message to you all today.  The Book of Mormon is the most correct most important book on the planet.  I KNOW with all of my heart that if we read it every single day,  and if we truly study it every single day, and really know it is true, then we will be strengthened through our day.  It really cut and dry.  If the Book of Mormon is true: Joseph Smith was a Prophet; he restored the fullness of the Gospel on the Earth.  Not just any gospel THE Gospel of Jesus Christ.  That it is the mizmo Iglasia Jesu Cristo establisio en su vida.  If the Book of Mormon is true the entire Church is true.  That simple.  We are the only Gospel on the earth that has the Book of Mormon.  I know with all my heart that it is true.  I Know that it will strengthen your lives if you let it.  I know without a doubt there is power in the Book of Mormon.  Read it EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!  PRAY EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!  Ask your Father in Heaven if it is true.  It is through the small things that we build our testimonies.  That is what I told Mitzy.  If you do the small things DAILY we are promised exaltation.  It is a PROMISE!!!!!  I know that is how we will be able to live with our families forever.  Through the Evangelio de Jesu Cristo. 

I love you all thank you for all of your prayers and support.  I feel them everyday.  I love you.

Elder Hancock

Helaman 5:12

Ps.  I wore my Special tie yesterday

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